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Our e-learning platform is aimed at two main groups of people. Firstly, it welcomes adult internet users who want to venture into the world of vlogging, regardless of their age. Whether you're an experienced internet user or just starting to explore the digital world, our platform provides the essential tools and guidance to start your vlogging journey.

Secondly, our platform extends its reach to ICT educators working within NGOs, senior activity centres or educational institutions dedicated to enriching the lives of seniors. By accessing our platform, educators will gain access to new and innovative content specifically tailored for seniors interested in vlogging. These resources can be seamlessly integrated into existing educational programmes, enriching the learning experience and empowering seniors to embrace digital storytelling.

Whether you're an enthusiastic beginner or an experienced educator, our platform offers a wealth of resources to support and inspire your journey into the world of vlogging.

Platforma e-learningowa jest skierowana do dwóch grup. Po pierwsze, jest ona skierowana do dorosłych użytkowników Internetu, którzy chcą wkroczyć w świat vlogowania, niezależnie od wieku. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś doświadczonym użytkownikiem Internetu, czy dopiero zaczynasz odkrywać cyfrowy świat, nasza platforma zapewnia niezbędne narzędzia i wskazówki, aby rozpocząć swoją przygodę z vlogowaniem.

Questo corso e-learning rappresenta una risposta diretta alla trasformazione del panorama della comunicazione digitale, fornendo ai senior le risorse e le indicazioni necessarie per intraprendere il proprio viaggio nel mondo del vlog. Le lezioni offrono una serie di strategie semplici ma efficaci per avvicinarsi alla sfera del vlogging. Che siate principianti o abbiate già qualche esperienza nel campo, il corso fornirà conoscenze di base e informazioni pratiche per navigare con sicurezza in questa realtà.

Ο Οδηγός SeniorVlog, που παρουσιάζεται εδώ στη μορφή ηλεκτρονικού μαθήματος, καλύπτει αυτή την κρίσιμη ανάγκη για γνώση και κίνητρα, ειδικά μετά την πανδημία COVID-19. Αυτό το πρόγραμμα ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης αποτελεί άμεση απάντηση στο εξελισσόμενο τοπίο της ψηφιακής επικοινωνίας, παρέχοντας στα άτομα μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας τα εργαλεία και την καθοδήγηση που χρειάζονται για να ξεκινήσουν το ταξίδι τους στο vlogging.


A nossa plataforma de e-learning dirige-se a dois grandes grupos de pessoas. Em primeiro lugar, destina-se a utilizadores adultos que queiram aventurar-se no mundo dos vlogs, independentemente da sua idade. Quer seja um utilizador experiente da Internet ou esteja apenas a começar a explorar o mundo digital, a nossa plataforma fornece as ferramentas e orientações essenciais para iniciar a sua viagem de vlogging.